Friday, May 21, 2010


For decade's lowriders have been cruising the streets and filling up parks and stadiums showcasing their uniqueness and beauty. It's surprising to know that lowrider's were once used as a derogatory term for Hispanic's during the 30's and 40's when families used to pile into a large car and make the back end sink low. But, this term and style was adopted into a unique car culture which has spread around the world.

No longer are these vehicles lowered by adding weight to the vehicle. Now vehicles or all makes and models are being retrofitted with a complex hydraulic system which can adjust the ride height of the vehicle to even bouncing the vehicle high enough it flips over.

Many individuals throughout the years gathered together with others lowrider enthusiasts and formed clubs some of which have several chapters throughout the U.S. and the Mexico and have members from various generations. These clubs not only come together for the love of cars but also reach out to their neighboring communities. Some clubs such as the Majestic Club of Detroit create programs to help at risk youths by introducing them to the lowrider life style by having them assist in rebuilds and modifications of vehicles.

Lowrider is no longer just a classification of what type of vehicle you may have. It is now a life style and culture built stronger by family, friendship, and community.

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